Многие фирмы выпускают пробники для вольтметров и осциллографов, позволяющие измерять постоянное/переменное высокое напряжение.
Пробники для тестеров и вольтметров
Fluke Electronic Air Cleaner Probe
The 80K-6 will achieve rated accuracy when it is used with an
ac/dc voltmeter having 0.25% accuracy, or better, and an input
impedance of 10 megohms ±10%. Specifications for the probe
are as follows:
Voltage Range: 0 to 6 kV, dc or peak ac
Input Impedance: 75 megohms nominal
Division Ratio: 1000:1
DC to 500 Hz: ±1%
500 Hz to 1 kHz: ±2%
Above 1 kHz: Output reading falIs.
Typically, -30% at 10 kHz.
Storage: -20 to 60°C
Operating: 0 to 50°C
Temperature Coefficient: 100 ppm/C
Relative Humidity: 20 - 80%
Altitude: 2000 m
Shock and Vibration:
Shock: 1 m Drop
Vibration: 5-55 Hz swept sine 3 g max.
Dimensions: 24.89 cm (9.8 in) (probe body), 5.10
cm (2.0 in) max. width
Weight: 12.7 g (45 oz)
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.2.031-94 & IEC 1010-2-031:1993,
Type B, 6 kVDC or peak AC, 4.24 kV rms AC, Overvoltage
Cat. I (Voltage derived from limited energy transformers).
Voltage Range: 0 to 15kV DC or peak AC, 10kV rms AC
Basic Accuracy: DC +/- 2% 60Hz: +/- 5%
Division Ratio: 1000:1
Safety Standards: IEC 1010-2-031:1993, Type B, 40 kV DC or peak AC, 28kV rms AC, Overvoltage Category I (voltage derived from limited energy transformer).
Input Resistance: 1000 Megohm
[list]Required Meter Input Resistance: 10 Megohm
The 80K-40 will achieve rated accuracy when used with a
voltmeter (ac or dc) having an input impedance of 10 MΩ ±1.0%.*
Specifications for the probe are as follows:
†Voltage Range: 1 kV to 40 kV dc or peak ac, 28 kV rms ac
Input Resistance: 1000 MΩ
Division Ratio: 1000: 1 (1000X attenuator)
Accuracy DC:
20 kV to 35 kV: ±1% at 20°C to 30°C; add 1% at 10°C
<20°C and >30°C to 45°C. (For total measurement accuracy
add accuracy specification of voltmeter being used.)
0 kV to <20 kV and >35 kV to 40 kV: ±2%.
Accuracy AC: 60 Hz, ±5%.
Safety: Meets IEC 1010-2-031:1993, Type B, 40 kV dc or, peak
ac, 28 kV rms ac, Overvoltage Category I (voltages derived from
limited energy transformer).
* The input impedance of Autoranging Fluke handheld digital
multimeters varies as a function of range. The only range that
deviates significantly from 10 MΩ is the 3V (Models 21, 23, 25,
27, 70, 73, 75, 77) or 4V (Models 10, 11, 12, 29, 79, 83, 85, 86,
87, 88) range where the impedance is 11.11 MΩ. To enhance the
measurement accuracy when using this range, apply a correction
factor of 0.99, i.e. multiply the displayed reading by .99.
† This probe is intended for low energy applications such as CRT
and similar circuits. Above 2000 meters altitude, and up to 5000
meters, derate linearly the working voltage from 40 kV peak to 28
kV peak, and derate linearly the transient overvoltage from 80 kV
peak to 57 kV peak. Transient overvoltage refers to micro-second
duration impulses caused by lightning or load switching. See
International Electrotechnical Commission Publication 664-1980,
Clause 3.9 Table II, and Appendix A.